Think less…

Osho was responsible for this Sunday’s quotation.

"Get out of your head..." ~ Osho ~

Head knowledge is good – it can enable you to sort out all kinds of things, but without heart knowledge it’s a bit like a desert without an oasis.

Sometimes we spend so long thinking about things – we think about them before they happen, we think about them while they’re happening, we think about them after they’ve happened – that we don’t actually get to really experience them.

For example, when I meditate on the energy of the Reiki symbols I start off by following visualisation instructions with the goal to feel myself ‘become’ the energy. If I hold onto the visualisation too tightly, I never experience ‘becoming’ the energy, but if I let go of the visualisation I find that ‘I’ quickly disappear – and I ‘become’ the energy.

Try it for yourself – spend some time today letting go of your thoughts, just allowing yourself to be.


By on Sunday November 11th, 2012 at 09:00 in Quotations, Reiki - No Replies - Leave a Reply
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