
Thinking about Thanksgiving later this month, I chose this Sunday’s quotation from Eric Hoffer.

"The hardest arithmetic..." ~ Eric Hoffer ~

Why is it that if we look back over any given day in our life, we can easily come up with a long list of grumbles and complaints, but find it so much more difficult to list the good things that have happened? Could it be that we just take the good things for granted?

Since I started practising Reiki I have been trying to be more aware of the good things in my life every day as part of my daily precept meditation. Although we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in the Uk, I intend to make November a Thankful month and keep a daily tally of the things I am thankful for. Do you have any special plans for Thanksgiving?


By on Sunday November 4th, 2012 at 09:09 in Quotations, Reiki - No Replies - Leave a Reply