Make Haste…

This Sunday’s quotation is attributed as a ‘Zen saying’.

Make Haste...

Zen sayings are notoriously obtuse – so what does this one mean?

I think we can learn a lot about the meaning of this saying by thinking about the life of the insect in the photograph. Insects are always busy, but they never rush. They each have their allotted tasks. Their lives follow the rhythm of nature.

Now I’m not suggesting that we become like insects, but if we try to live in mindfulness we will find it possible to get everything done without any of the stresses involved in racing against the clock. By living mindfully, each thing we do becomes our only focus for its duration making it totally possible to make haste slowly.


By on Sunday December 2nd, 2012 at 09:00 in Mindfulness, Quotations, Reiki - No Replies - Leave a Reply